Master Joiners Application Master Joiners Application Step 1 of 2 50% 1. Your Name* This is the primary person responsible for the membership2. Full Company Name* This is the company applying for membership. An application is for one single entity and cannot be applied to multiple entities or groups.3. Mailing Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code 4. Site Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code 5. Company Phone Number*6. Your Mobile Number8. Your Email* 8. Accounts email* 9. Website 10. Number of employees* How many employees does the company currently employ?11. Apprentices* How many apprentices you currently have on staff.12. NZBN* This is your business number. You can find your number at nzbn.govt.nz13. BIC* What is your business industry classification (BIC) code?14. How long has the business been manufacturing?* Tell us the length of time the business has been manufacturing joinery products? Do you have your health and safety practices up to date?* Select All Yes No Ongoing Master Joiner members are required to keep health and safety practices up to date. Liability Insurance*Max. file size: 32 MB.Master Joiner members are required to hold liability insurance. Please attach your current certificate of liability insurance.Upload your company logo.*Max. file size: 32 MB.Master Joiner members are profiled on the Master Joiners website with their company logo. Include your current logo here.Please indicate your consent* Joiners Magazine Master Joiner website Opt in to emails Master Joiners member companies are provided with free promotion in Joiners Magazine, and in the Find a Joiner search engine within the Master Joiners website and have access to the in-house discussion forum. As a member you will receive emails from Master Joiners nationally and from the branch. You can unsubscribe from receiving emails by unsubscribing. What other affiliations, memberships or accreditations do you hold.* Write 'none' if no other affiliations or memberships. Primary products OF JOINERY MANUFACTURE(Please circle appropriate options) Aluminium Doors and Windows* Yes No High Pressure Laminate Fabrication* Yes No Interior Fittings* Yes No Furniture* Yes No Interior Doors* Yes No Kitchens* Yes No Stairs* Yes No Shop Fitting* Yes No Timber Windows* Yes No Glazing* Yes No Timber Exterior Doors* Yes No Other (please list)* Yes No Other benchtops* Yes No Timber Machining* Yes No What other services do you provide? Select All Design Project management Install Detailing Other Manufacturing Contract cutting Please tick which in house services are provided by the company.STAFFING LEVELS / QUALIFICATION / EXPERIENCE Select the role using the dropdown list and fill out the fields for name, experience and qualifications. To add another staff member click the + button to the right. Staff RoleNameNo. Years ExperienceList of recognised Qualifications AdministrationManagementQuotingContract ManagementSalesForeman Leading HandsSupervisory StaffCraftsperson - qualified (trade joiners)Cabinetry - qualified (kitchen fabrication)Exterior Joinery - qualifiedStairs - qualifiedComponent Machining - qualifiedLaminate FabricationApprentice StaffLabourersOther CREDIT REFERENCES (Please list three of your major suppliers)CompanyContact PersonPhone Any Further Relevant Information to be Declared Cancellration of Membership The Federation Executive shall have the power by Resolution carried by three-fourths majority ofthose present in person or represented by proxy at a meeting of the Federation Executive to cancel the membership of any member who in the opinion of such majority of the Federation Executive - has at any time failed to comply with the qualifications for membership defined by Rule 4(a), or has ceased to be a member of his LocalJoinery Manufacturers Association unless he reside beyond the jurisdiction of any such Local Association, or if there is no Local Association, or has committed a breach of any of these Rules or of any By-Laws properly made under Rule 20 hereof, or of any recorded decision of the Federation on any subject, or has in the opinion of the Federation in its sole discretion: conducted ltself in a manner that has brought the Federation into disrepute or has caused embarrassment to the Federation; or failed to maintain a reasonable standard of workmanship. The Federation shall have the power by Resolution carried by three-fourths majority of those present in person or represented by proxy at a meeting of the Federation Executive, in its sole discretion to suspend a member's membership pending the Federation investigating and determining whether the membe/s membership shall be cancelled. The Federation Executive shall not cancel the membership of any member without first giving the member an opportunity to be heard, but if the member fails to appear before the Federation Executive on a date not earlier than 28 days from the date of posting of such notice to be heard to show cause why his membership should not be cancelled, the matter may be determined in the member/s absence. Any Local Joinery Manufacturers Association recognised by the Federation shall be at liberty to give notice to the Federation Executive that it requires the Federation Executive to consider the cancellation of the membership of any member. Such notice shall state the grounds on which it is considered that such membership shall be cancelled. lf the Federation Executive considers that the circumstances warrant investigation, the Federation Executive shall thereupon send written notice to the member concerned of the grounds of complaint and shall call upon him to appear before the Federation Executive at a date not earlier than 28 days from the posting of such notice and to show cause why his membership should not be cancelled. The said member shall have the right to appear and be heard by the Federation Executive, but should he fail to appear after proper notice as aforesaid, the question may be determined in his absence. Any member whose membership has been cancelled by the Federatlon Executive shall be so notified in writing by the Federation Secretary and his membership shall thereupon be cancelled, and his name removed from the Register. He shall be liable for all subscriptions, dues or levies payable by him to the Federation up to the date upon which the cancellation of his membership becomes effective. DeclarationI confirm that the above information is correct and current. For the reason to access eligibility to join Master Joiners, I give Master Joiners permission to contact suppliers, Building & Construction lndustry Training Organisation (BCITO) and other relevant parties. Details of my company directors may be requested by Master Joiners. I accept* Yes Ethics, standards and complaints* I agree on behalf of the company.By ticking the box, you agree to abide by Master Joiners ethics and standards, and will cooperated the Master Joiners complaint process in the unlikely case of a complaint being received. You acknowledge that membership is not transferrable to multiple entities or individuals. Non payment of the annual membership fee will result in membership being deactivated or cancelled. Breaches of ethics and standards or breaches of the rules may result in membership being terminated.Many thanks for your application and you will be contacted in the very near future.