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Complaints & how we work together

Complaints are a part of everyday business life and can absorb a lot of operational resources to manage them.  Good complaint management is part of customer service and contributes to business success and expected of Master Joiner members.  Complaints can challenge us and our time however they are also a good source of customer insight which can contribute to business improvement and reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.  

Below are the resources to support good complaint management.  Members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these resources and review their own in house processes accordingly.

If you would like help or support in to develop, implement an in house complaints process or if you need some training please email 

Master Joiners ethics standards as related to consumers states:

  • We will provide customers with high-quality products and honest, professional service.
  • We will ensure that the customer is treated fairly, respectfully and with integrity, including resolving issues fairly and without delay.
  • We will avoid statements or implications that may be misleading or deceptive.[iv]
  • We will price goods and services fairly and adhere to relevant consumer laws.
  • We will always comply with Master Joiner rules, by-laws and policies.
  • We will always work positively to promote the interests of NZJMF and the Master Joiner Brand.
  • We will ensure any advertising is accurate and not misleading.
  • We will not involve ourselves in other Members’ disputes unless requested to as part of an NZJMF disputes process.
  • We will always be accountable to the NZJMF governing body for our actions as Master Joiner members.
The above list is extracted from the Master Joiners Ethics and Standards 2023


Fair Trading Act, Consumer Guarantees Act, Master Joiners Inc Constitution, Membership requirements, Master Joiners Ethics and Standards. 

Knowing how to respond in time to prevent a problem turning into a dispute requires practice of some key behaviours.  Download the tips guide for 10 actions to reduce complaint escalation.

Ten Tips Guide to Reduce Complaint Escalation


Members are expected to manage consumer complaints by applying best practice standards.

To begin, download the complaints handling workshop presentation provided by Trevor Slater here.

Members can implement an internal complaints handling process using the tool kit provided by Trevor Slater, mediator and arbitrator. 

To access the complete internal complaint handling kit for your business please email  

If you do not have an internal complaint handling process, Master Joiners recommend you implement a process as part of your membership best practice.

Master Joiners receive consumer complaints.  Consumers, Architects, project managers, lawyers and sometimes the Citizens Advice will get in touch. 

Master Joiners have a process in place to manage consumer complaints.  The procedure is a stepped procedure.  Members are expected to participate in the process as part of their membership obligations.  The process is confidential.

The Procedure

Managing consumer contact – Phone, email or online form contact and keeping them updated.

Receiving the complaint – complaints are submitted directly to the national office via the online complaint form or by email.  Complaint details are added in the internal confidential complaint register.

Complaint review – complaints will be reviewed internally and advanced to a technical review if required. The member will be notified.  Master Joiners may seek relevant information from other sources if necessary. Complaint details are shared with the Member who will be asked to comment and submit relevant information.    

Conclusions and recommendation – On completion of the review process the Member and the consumer will be notified in writing of the conclusions and any recommendations followed by the complaint being closed in the system.


Outcomes of a complaint review can vary and may include:

  • A notification to the member only,
  • No further action with an explanation as to why,
  • Guidance to refer the complaint elsewhere if jurisdiction is established,
  • An apology for our Member,
  • An undertaking by our member to rectify the problem,
  • Review or removal of membership in serious cases only,
  • Referral to the Executive Council

The Incorporated Societies Act 2022 requires us to have a member to member complaint process.  Members have rights and obligations set out in the Constitution.

In submitting a complaint about a member the following details apply. 

Section 49 to 50 of the Constitution outlines provisions for investigating and administering disputes processes.  You may be asked to participate in a dispute procedure to facilitate fair, prompt and efficient resolution of the complaint.  A sub-committee may be appointed to investigate and deal with your complaint.  An external arbitral tribunal or external mediate suitably qualified may be appointed to deal with the complaint. 

You agree to cooperate with the process determined necessary to deal with your complaint and agree to participating in the interests of fairness and with the principles of natural justice and the Privacy Act 1993.

You agree Master Joiners has jurisdiction to deal with your complaint and that the member being complained about has rights to receive information about your complaint, right to be heard and submit information .

In reviewing your complaint, the decision maker may dismiss your complaint or uphold the complaint or make such directions as the decision maker thinks appropriate.  

Potential outcomes may include reprimand of the members, suspension of the member or termination of membership.  

In submitting your complaint, you agree you have provided all the information necessary.

To submit a complaint about a member, complete and submit this form.